Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Prayer to the The Solder Gods

Here's a photo of my silver solder:

See those little teeny tiny specs of metal? Well, those specs of metal melt at a lower temperature than silver does, so they're what hold the pieces together. Bet you didn't know that, huh?

These little pieces love to blow around when I turn my torch onto them, or move just a smidge out of the way when it's just about to melt. They also like to melt only on one piece and not solder both together. (This, OF COURSE, has nothing to do with my abilities with the torch!) So, every time I have to solder a joint together, I say a little prayer to the solder gods to gain their favor and make my solder flow perfectly down the seam. Maybe I should make a shrine and give offerings every time I sit down at my bench. Or, maybe I should just practice more. Hmmmm.

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