Friday, February 24, 2006

If only I had won the powerball...

So, I've been researching this new technology for torches that's beyond cool. Instead of running on extremely explosive propane, it runs on water. Somehow it splits the water molecule and creates a flame out of the hydrogen and oxygen. Pretty cool huh? I'm not really excited about having a full propane tank in my studio - I don't want to blow the place up. So I was getting really excited about the whole technology and found a model that I liked. Of course they put the prices in the VERY back of the literature - $4 grand! Yikes. Oh well...back to the drawing board. Maybe I should look into acetylene instead of propane. On a completely unrelated note, I found this cool web site last night, The Delocator. Type in your zip code and it shows you a list of all the independant coffee shops within 5 miles of you. I'm a huge fan of little coffee houses (this is Portland, after all) and walk right past Starbucks to go to my favorite one. Devera and I even have a little Sunday routine of going there while Dave is sleeping in for a little hot (well, lukewarm) cocoa. Amazing factoid from the site, there are 53 Starbucks within 5 mile of my house. Ok, I'm going to have to find that out about McDonalds too to compare...check back. Edited to include.....13 McDonalds. Wow, now that's a statistic!