Sunday, January 29, 2006

Yippee - Farmer's Market

Today's farmer's market day. We always look forward to the market - even in the dark dreary dead of winter. The hillsdale farmer's market is the greatest...walking distance from home. Great vendors. Yummy food. It holds a special place in Dave's and my heart since we were on the committe to help start it up way back in the day. It's pretty cool to think that it started as 20 random people in the banquet room of a mexican restaurant mulling over ideas to this great weekly festival that's packed in the summer time. That's one of my rallying causes - local, organic food. When you learn what goes into the regular stuff you find on the shelves at the grocery store, and the effects of factory farms and cattle ranches, it can really scare the pee out of you. Read the book Fast Food Nation if you really want a good overview. I really like knowing where my veggies come from, who makes my sausage. The name of the boat my crab comes from. It ties me into my community more. So yeah, if you've got a market around you, go visit it for some fun, and if you don't, start one up. It's actually not that hard! Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. Spam du jour: Oh here's a good one: - IMAGINE YOUR CHILD AWARDED THE NOBEL PRIZE ?

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