Thursday, January 26, 2006

Aaah sleep

It's amazing what a little bit of sleep will do for you. Dave and I were crossing our fingers and tiptoeing around the house last night, praying that screaming mimi would stay asleep. I think she was so tired from staying up for 36 hours that she finally crashed. So, last night I decided it was probably not a good idea to play with fire and hammers and saws while sleep deprived so I pulled out the materials to put together a beaded order I need to fill. It was the perfect project for last night...string 10 then tie a knot, string 10 then tie a knot. But holy cow, I see why I got away from those designs a while back. For some reason I find it a lot more interesting to hammer 50 jump rings than to string 50 beads. Go figure. Spam du jour: french spam sounds so nice...Faire Faire le Travail - Deleguer - Cours. They must be trying to sell me faries cheap. Site du jour: Teri's turned me into a cranberry scrub junky.

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