Friday, January 27, 2006

An exercise in restraint

I just placed an order for more materials from one of my favorite suppliers. Their catalog, I kid you not, is 925 pages long. Each order really is an excercise in restraint. Just flipping through the pages sparks so many fun ideas and so many different directions I could head. But from experience these ideas sit idle on my bench for 6 months until I sadly put them away to play with another time. It ends up sucking funds out of my account for no good reason. So, I'm going to stay the course, only buy the things I need to, and expand to new projects once I've mastered (and finished) the old ones. How boring! Site du jour: Remnant Clothing She's got a really cool concept going. I have one of her reconstructed cashmere scarves. They're super fun, and about the only way I'm ever going to own anything cashmere.

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