Saturday, January 21, 2006

Saturday Mornings

Aaah - I love Saturday mornings. I get to sneek out of the house for a couple of hours for my yoga class with my teacher I dearly love. It's interesting how yoga has the same effect for me as working down at my bench - you focus in so tightly on something (like putting your leg over your shoulder - I kid you not) that you don't have the ability to focus on the 18 bajillion other things that usually rush through your head. And even better - since I had to "run an errand" after class to pick up a gift for someone, I just HAD to stop for a cup of coffee and a danish - this is Portland after all - it was right next door to the place. And now I'm home and both Dave and Devera are asleep and I have a quiet house to myself for a little bit. I love Saturday Mornings.

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