Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Thanks, guys!

Did you know your sales helped me raise $200 for Habitat for Humanity last year? I like to donate a portion of my profits over the holidays to them, but I started earlier to help out when hurricane Katrina hit in New Orleans (where Dave and I spent a couple of years). So hey guys, thanks so much for your help. Even better, I'm getting it matched, so it will turn out to be $400 - that's a front door, a toilet, and some windows from their calculations. Cool! I really like habitat for humanity. I put a lot of research into the charities I support, and they are one of the top ones to put the money to worthwhile use, instead of spending it on gala dinners and silly, non-helpful things. Here's a good web site for learning more about where your money's going: www.charitynavigator.org I figure, if you're going to give your hard earned money, it better damn well get used smartly. I can spend it on cocoa puffs as good as the next person. I found a good article on consumer reports about donating money - there's an interesting blurb about telemarketers at the bottom. Now I don't have to feel bad about telling the Cancer Society to STOP CALLING ME! Thanks again, guys!

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