My Sweeps Box
So here's my freshly cleaned out sweeps box - where I store all my little scraps of silver.
I just cleaned it out a couple of days ago as it was about to overflow and choke out all natural light. Here's where all the little slivers of silver go, the little bits from my file, and random leftover chunks. This is also the home to all the sad projects that I've melted by applying too much heat, I've beaten to a pulp, or just looked god awful ugly to leave my bench. The great thing is that you send your sweeps in to for refining and they'll cut you a nice little check. It's a nice little recycling program for silversmiths.
Fun site du jour: Glamscience
This is a fun little card company who makes "handmade glitter goods." If you order something from my site as a gift, I include one of her enclosure cards for your special note.