Friday, March 02, 2007

A sure sign of Armageddon - Toby joins a soccer team

I could see the horsemen of the apocalypse racing around the perimiter the whole time I was on the field.

Here's a little background for you. Dave is a HUGE soccer fan. How many of you guys had an Italian flag flying outside your house when Italy won the world cup? Yeah, we did. He plays twice a week, and yeah, he's really into it. I, on the other hand have always been extremely vocal about how incredibly BORING soccer is to watch. I mean's really really boring. Well, I partly do it to annoy Dave.

Hipocrite that I am, when I was asked to join a soccer team full of newbies, I thought, What the hell! You only live once. So, this is the first organized sport I have EVER played. Well, there was bobby sox softball for about 3 weeks when I was 8.

So, my friends and I played our second game last night. I'm sure we looked like a bunch of 4 year olds swarming the ball, with the one super clueless player in the corner picking their nose. We got CREAMED, but we're a good natured group, and most of the time we couldn't figure out where the score was posted anyway, so we didn't care. I found out that I like playing defence. I like that it kind of freaks guys out to see a little girl running full force towards them. It throws them off just enough to get my little foot in there and every so often get the ball out. The girls though, yeah, no fear.

Yeah, so maybe you should start...start...what are you supposed to do to prepare for Armageddon? I should ask some of my religious friends, cause I think it's around the corner.

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