Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Little Brute Family

You have no idea how excited I am. I was at the library checking out some books for Devera when I spotted favorite book from when I was a little girl...The Little Brute Family. I've been searching for a copy of it for years - it's been out of print for like 20 years. But the library had 2 copies. It's the sweetest little story. The little brute family are just a bunch of grouches...always fighting and snarling. They never smile, their kites never fly and they always sink when they swim. Until one day baby brute finds a good feeling fluttering over a patch of dasies and puts it in his pocket...long story short...they end up changing their name to nice. I used to think of that book whenever I met grouchy people. You know, I'm a big believer in karma...I wonder if this book had anything to do with it?

Now, if I could only get my hands on a copy of Father Fox's Penny Rhymes...

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