Sunday, March 18, 2007

Kermit's singing us a lulaby

I love this time of year. I've got the windows open for the first time in forever. And while I'm writing this there's a little tree frog in the back yard that's just singing his little heart out. You can just hear him saying, "Hey, baby!...Hey, baby!" Hopefully he finds his Ms. right and leaves us some more tadpoles to watch this summer. A couple of weeks ago Dave and I were sitting in the back yard with Dave's sister on an unbelievably sunny day. Dave's sister was getting really indignant in part of the story she was telling. And while she was telling it, the little frog in the bushes was croaking "You, tell it, sister!" at just all the right times. It was a little surreal. Hang in there all you guys suffering with ice storms...this weather will head your way too.

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