Monday, March 27, 2006

Stop the presses - Toby stays out past midnight!

And lives to tell the tale (barely!). I's been like 3 years since we've gone out late - how incredibly sad is that? Anyway, we went to Cirque du Soleil on Saturday to see Varekai. It was really fun - some cool acrobats as usual, but the clowns weren't as endearing as they usually are (note - we've seen every cirque show known to mankind!). Grabbed dinner dinner at Montage, a late night hot spot here in Portland. It's under a bridge in the industrial area of town. The waiters are beyond surly, and they make incredibly elaborate tinfoil sculpture for your doggie bags. Everyone's "uber-hip" there - I think we were the oldest gang there. Pretty funny - parts of it I miss, but then parts of it I don't.

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