Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Holiday cutoffs and $2 shipping

Hi Gang, Here's the scoop on holiday shipping...orders by December 17th will make it there in time for Christmas. I'm upgrading my $2 shipping to Priority Mail for everybody, so we can all sleep well knowing your gifts will make it there on time (I hate having to worry about that over the holidays!) Custom orders...we'll want to get the ball rolling on those by December 12th. Happy shopping!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Getting Ready for Open Studios

Yikes! Open studios is just around the corner. So much to do, so much to do.

The Portland Open Studio Tour is a really cool event they have once a year here. Over the course of two weekend in October, 100 artists open their studios to the public so you can watch them work. Dave and I have been asked to join them this year.

So, if there's any way for you to make your way to Portland the weekend of the 17th & 18th of October, I highly recommend it. You can watch Dave make beads (which is mesmerizing!) and see my workbench in it's semi-annual, semi-clean state, which won't surface in this state for another 12-24 months.

Here's the event's site, where you can see the other artists involved, purchase your tour guide, and generally plan your attack. I think you can also buy tour guides at New Seasons Markets too. Hope we see you there!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

New - $2 Shipping!

Ok, I've had enough!

Don't you hate it when you add something to your cart, and when you go to check out, the shipping ends up costing as much as whatever you're buying?

Well I'm fighting back...shipping for all orders is $2. Take that! If you're in more of a hurry, Priority Mail shipping is $5.

So, ship away!

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Mortifiying Exercise Story Du Jour

Ok, for those of you who have been reading this blog for a while (thanks, Mom and Dad :), you've read about my trials and tribulations trying to fit exercise into my life.

So I found a class at my gym that's exercising with hula hoops...I figure, I've strapped stupid contraptions to my legs, walked around with a rubber ball between my thighs, all in the name of exercise, I might as well try hula hooping. At least that's kind of fun.

So...I go to the class, who's there? A photographer from Portland Monthly Magazine to take photos of the latest exercise craze. And there weren't that many people in the class. I was completely mortified when I thought of all the people I know who read that magazine.

I'll post the article here if it comes out (please no, please no!) and we can all have a good belly laugh. I only knocked over the person in front of me with my hula hoop once...that's pretty good, isn't it?

This just isn't meant to be an easy thing for me, is it?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Glad I use recycled silver...

I just read that a new 1/3-ounce, 18-karat gold ring creates about 20 tons of mine waste. Holy cow!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ready for Friday's Secret Sale?

So, I hardly ever throw a sale, like I hardly ever throw a party. But when I do, it's a doozy!

This Friday, July 17th I'll be holding a secret sale on this site. What's so secret about it? You've got to be on my mailing list to get in on it.

I'll be sending out an email Friday morning with a link to the secret sale, a special section of my site where only people on my newsletter can get in. Hiding in here will be all sorts of new pieces that will be premiering on my site on Friday, as well as some pretty steep discounts on some of my favorite designs.

How do you get in on the action? Sign up for my mailing list:

join our mailing list
Happy Shopping!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mmmm picture jasper

Here's the latest custom piece. Cool, huh? I really like the chain I found.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thanks guys, you're awesome!

Thanks for helping pick out pieces for my Open Studios application. It's all wrapped up and in the mail. All's left is to wait to hear back. You guys will be the first to know. (Dave's jealous that he didn't think of putting together a poll...he had to wrack his brain to figure out which 3 pieces to choose...well, I ended up looking at all his photos too, so I guess I lost out too - fun looking at all the beads he's made over the years!) Thanks again! You rock.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I need your help picking out some photos

I'm getting ready to apply to be an artist in the Portland Open Studio Tour. If you've even been on one, it's really fun, both as an artist and an attendee.

Part of the application asks you to submit 3 photos of your work. Aaack! I've got about 3,000 photos to choose from. That's where I need your expert opinion. Can you take this little poll for me and tell me which 2 pieces you like the best?

Ok, here are the pictures to choose from:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mmmm, Sonoma Food

Ok, so I overdid it with the 8oo pounds of chocolate over the holidays. And maybe the weekly batches of banana bread might have had something to do with it to. Well, and yeah, the three dozen gingerbread cookies that didn't have a home. I guess you're right, I think I overdid it. So this is the first diet I've ever been on...I'm just not a regimented person...counting calories and that stuff. Too much high math. But I found one that's really yummy, the Sonoma Diet. You have to love to cook to be on it, but the food's amazing (Dave said he felt like we were eating restaurant food the first couple things I made). The first 10 days are sugar. WHAT!?! But it's been a good gut check (I guess in more ways than one) to remind me what a realistic plate of food should look like...that living on pasta and garlic bread and chocolate croissants and hazelnut lattes...I guess that wasn't going to work for me in the long run. At least I can think of those days lovingly...they tasted so good!