Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Mortifiying Exercise Story Du Jour

Ok, for those of you who have been reading this blog for a while (thanks, Mom and Dad :), you've read about my trials and tribulations trying to fit exercise into my life.

So I found a class at my gym that's exercising with hula hoops...I figure, I've strapped stupid contraptions to my legs, walked around with a rubber ball between my thighs, all in the name of exercise, I might as well try hula hooping. At least that's kind of fun.

So...I go to the class, who's there? A photographer from Portland Monthly Magazine to take photos of the latest exercise craze. And there weren't that many people in the class. I was completely mortified when I thought of all the people I know who read that magazine.

I'll post the article here if it comes out (please no, please no!) and we can all have a good belly laugh. I only knocked over the person in front of me with my hula hoop once...that's pretty good, isn't it?

This just isn't meant to be an easy thing for me, is it?

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