Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mmmm, Sonoma Food

Ok, so I overdid it with the 8oo pounds of chocolate over the holidays. And maybe the weekly batches of banana bread might have had something to do with it to. Well, and yeah, the three dozen gingerbread cookies that didn't have a home. I guess you're right, I think I overdid it. So this is the first diet I've ever been on...I'm just not a regimented person...counting calories and that stuff. Too much high math. But I found one that's really yummy, the Sonoma Diet. You have to love to cook to be on it, but the food's amazing (Dave said he felt like we were eating restaurant food the first couple things I made). The first 10 days are sugar. WHAT!?! But it's been a good gut check (I guess in more ways than one) to remind me what a realistic plate of food should look like...that living on pasta and garlic bread and chocolate croissants and hazelnut lattes...I guess that wasn't going to work for me in the long run. At least I can think of those days lovingly...they tasted so good!

1 comment:

Total Delights said...

You arn't any different than most of the rest of us enjoying the holidays a bit to much. Good luck on your diet.