Friday, June 30, 2006

Who's your hero?

So, you know, you're stuck in traffic, bored to tears, and you make your lists? The list that occupied me for those 30 minutes was...who are my heroes? Thank god I don't live in LA any more or it would have been 2 hours! Maybe my list would have been longer though - cause I could only really come up with two. I'll give you one today... Maya Angelou Even if you haven't read any of her books, just to look at her face and to hear her voice. I don't know - something about quiet strength. And anyone who could come from being mute, to being a prostitute to one of the first woman streetcar ticket takers to - holy cow - poet laureate. That's pretty damn cool. Her books are a fantastic read too, if you haven't picked one up before. Who are your heroes? I love to hear what inspires and motivates my friends - leave me a comment. And tune in next time...I share hero #2.

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