Saturday, June 17, 2006

Back from Puerto Rico

Wow, it's taken a while to get my act together from coming back from Puerto Rico. I didn't get to stay nearly long enough, and didn't get to leave the resort grounds - but what the hell - I was in Puerto Rico on someone else's dime. I can't complain too much. By far the coolest thing I saw there were the unbelievably cute little coqui's all around the grounds. They're these teeny little tree frogs that sing their little heart's out once the sun goes down. Listen to this little guy, and imagine thousands of them all singing together. It was by far the neatest thing I'd experienced in a long time. Between the frogs and the hermit crabs, we were knee deep in critters. There were little crabs everywhere! You'd go to the beach to try and collect a couple of shells to bring home with you and...oop's someone's in that one...oh, someone's in that one too...hey - that pretty shell's walking away! One evening before going back to my room, a friend of mine and I were catching frogs (yeah, some little kids just never grow up!) We put our little frogs back in the bushes and looked down it the ground was just crawling with hermit crabs - and we were quite a way from the beach. Having had a very traumatic childhood experience with hermit a hermit crab (those guys hold on for dear life no matter how hard you shake your hand!!!!!) I was a little hesitant to play with the crabs as much. But the frogs were good fun!.

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