Thursday, June 22, 2006

Aack, where's my invite?????

Looks like the invites for the private sale aren't going to go out quite as early as I had hoped. I planned in my little head for them to hit everyone's mailboxes at midnight tonight, but it looks like they'll be sent out some time tomorrow morning. The newsletter has to be approved before it gets sent out (which is pretty cool of my newsletter service, so they don't let spammers weasel their way into it). But I guess all of their approvers actually like to sleep at night, and don't want to stay up till midnight to send off my INCREDIBLY important email. Oh well, hope that doesn't junk up your plans too much. I'll keep the sale open until Saturday morning to make up for the lost shopping time. God forbid you lose precious shopping time! I'll post on my blog once I'm sure the invites went out. Then you can truly say "Aack, where's my invite?!?"

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