Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blogs take action on Poverty

I really like how the internet makes grass roots organizing so easy...

So, today is Blog Action Day...a day when...let's see what the count is now...11,704 blogs are going to post on a topic pressing in the world today. This year's topic is Poverty.

So, I'm going to use my post as an opportunity so share what some great organizations are doing. My philosophy has always been to teach someone to fish...and here are some great groups that are doing just that.

Kiva: the super cool micro lending network. My next two microloans are well on their way to paying off. I'm so excited. Maybe this post will guilt my Dad into using the credit he's got sitting in his account.

Habitat for Humanity: You know about them already. Again, they're who I'm going to be helping out this holiday season. 10% of my profits between Nov 1 and Jan 1 will be going to them.

And a couple local Portland ones that are doing great work:
Children's Relief Nursery: The more you read about their approach, the more they make sense. Address the problem earlier than later.

And, here in my neighborhood is Neighborhood House: These guys have grown exponentially in the last couple of years, and its really exciting to watch them grow. They've turned into a soup to nuts social services group doing some great work.

Ok, here's your homework...what's the pressing issue in your neighborhood, and what nonprofits are working to fix it? Knowledge is power.

One of the best lines I heard from the Daily Show lately was when they were talking about protesters at the WTO meeting in Seattle a couple of years about (that the movie "The Battle In Seattle" is about) they were commenting about how surprisingly well organized the anarchists were.

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