Wahoo! New Rocks!
Ahh yes, rock dork me, I could dedicate my life to searching out the coolest rocks to come out of the ground (or not...read on). Well, here are the two latest ones for me to hold in my hand covetously (is that a word?)
This first one is a Horse Canyon Moss Agate, which comes from California. Moss agates are so cool...they're a combination of translucent and opaque stripes that look like blades of grass floating in the breeze.
Next...and I've been obsessing over this type of "stone" for months now, is called a Detroit Agate.
Any guesses to what this is made out of? Yeah, car paint! Some brilliant rock cutter decided it would be really cool to scrape some stuff out of the spray booths in car factories and see what they could do with it. So the bands of color are from changing the color they were painting the cars that day. Looks like they were big on blacks, whites, and grays during this geologic paint period. Cool, huh? When you think about it, there are all kinds of neat places to mine materials from, not just dig them out of the soil.
Enjoy your day!
Oh yeah, these two pieces are up for custom orders...if you're coveting them as badly as I have, I can turn them into something cool for you. Just shoot me an email.
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