Monday, July 16, 2007

Wahoo - no more diapers!

Devera's gotten with the program and has figured out the whole potty training thing.

I heard a saying a while ago - start when they're 2 and they'll get it at 3. Start at 3 and they'll get it at 3. Well, we did the latter, and holy cow it worked!

12 years from now I can imagine she'd be completely mortified that I'm talking about this on an open web site, but right now she's prancing around the house telling anyone who stops to listen.

So, I made a promise to allay my guilt for going with disposable diapers instead of cloth ones to plant a tree when we were done with this whole thing. I'm sorry, but any instructions that involved the words "poo" and "swish", I just couldn't do it. So, hey, if you've got any suggestions for good charities to donate to that do tree planting or something like that, let me know...I'm all ears.

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