Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hi Guys - I'm taking a vacation

Wahoo! I'm out of here for a couple of days. After a CRAZY couple of weeks I'm soooooo looking forward to getting out of Dodge for a little while. I'll be back on Tuesday, I promise.

Here's a little eye candy to keep you tied over for a couple of days. It's a custom order I finished up a couple of weeks ago. Pretty, huh?

And here's the comments:

"I have received my necklace-it is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much!"

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wanna see the latest custom piece?

I've been awash in custom orders lately. And it's just so fun. First of all I get to talk to the people ordering the pieces instead of just sending out an order to jkl1132@yahoo.com.

It's kinda lonely having a web based business, you don't get to meet the people browsing around your shop. So, doing the custom stuff is fun.

Anyway, this is a piece of montana agate I just put the finishing touches on. The photo doesn't come close to doing justice to the piece. But, yeah, it's a gorgeous stone.

I offered to take it off my customer's hands and keep it for myself, but darn, she really likes it. Oh well, I'll just have to make one for myself.

Looks cool, huh?

And I so love getting these emails in my inbox:

"I got my necklace the other day and I just wanted to say that you were right, the pictures didn't do it justice and I just absolutely love it. It's beautiful and unique and it's phenomenal. Thank you so much!!"

Monday, July 16, 2007

Wahoo - no more diapers!

Devera's gotten with the program and has figured out the whole potty training thing.

I heard a saying a while ago - start when they're 2 and they'll get it at 3. Start at 3 and they'll get it at 3. Well, we did the latter, and holy cow it worked!

12 years from now I can imagine she'd be completely mortified that I'm talking about this on an open web site, but right now she's prancing around the house telling anyone who stops to listen.

So, I made a promise to allay my guilt for going with disposable diapers instead of cloth ones to plant a tree when we were done with this whole thing. I'm sorry, but any instructions that involved the words "poo" and "swish", I just couldn't do it. So, hey, if you've got any suggestions for good charities to donate to that do tree planting or something like that, let me know...I'm all ears.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Times a Million - This guys's a great writer

It's pretty cool to have smart, succinct marketers who aren't working for Philip Morris or Exxon. Check out this post on why every little bit helps. Seth Godin's just a smart guy. I hope a bunch more people jump on his bandwagon.

Friday, July 06, 2007

I've been waiting YEARS for this thing to bloom!

Dave says it's been 4 years - but I'm sure it's been longer. It almost got the boot (or the yank) last summer but we decided to give it one more year. Maybe it got scared straight because it's got the most amazing flowers on it. It's called a passion flower, and you see them growing every so often around here in the Pacific Northwest. Unreal, huh? I have no idea why, but they look biblical to me. Maybe I saw them growing up the side of a church or something. Wierd how you make associations to things, huh?

Monday, July 02, 2007

Hey - Payment #2!

Yay! The women I made the microloans have paid back month #2 - I think they've got 14 left.

Lotufaamanatu and Lolofa