Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My daughter is a girlie girl!

And she sure didn't get it from me!

So, I'm in desperate need to find a bathing suit for Devera before our trip to Detroit (which, if you want to get completely grossed out by bugs, check out Dave's blog). And I'm in the kid's section of Marshall's completely paralyzed with indecision.

I'm holding in my hand a frilly pink bathing suit emblazoned with all the Disney princesses. I'm trying not to dry heave looking at it, but I can't put it back because I know it will make her sooooo happy. And it's the only bathing suit and it's her size.

Good lord I'm condoning this stuff! I haven't worn makeup in a good 6 months, and I think Devera's got more high heels than I do (and more fairy wings tooo).

She and I have a long standing argument on who the princess in the blue dress is, Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella. I've shown her that the ABC's on her purse with that princess on the front of it say Cinderella, but she's not going with it. Dammit it's Sleeping Beauty. I remember my mom and dad had a long standing argument on wether it was Carribbeeean or Cariiiibbean. I don't think they resolved that one either. At least I know I'm right.

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