Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I love my Subaru!

So, we got a solid dusting of snow a couple of days ago...enough for Devera to stay home from school for the last 3 days. The really bad day I had to drive in the snow...there were people in the ditches all over the city...but not my trusty little grasshopper!

I used to joke when we first moved to portland that you were assigned a dog and a subaru when you move here. And I resisted for soooooo long - I'm not really a conformist, you see. But there's a reason that every 3rd car around here is a subaru - because we're the only guys not in ditches when things get slippery!

Be safe out there!

1 comment:

Sally G. Knight said...

I had a Subaru when I lived in Columbus, Ohio. Same thing, Toby. When everyone else was sliding and stuck during those awful Ohio snow/sleet/ice snorms, I was still going. And in a straight line.