Saturday, January 20, 2007

Good god, I'm part of the problem!

I get so agravated when I get 99.9% of the way through an online purchase and get an "ERROR - Card not found 998833762xxbb" makes me say "#&*@^!!*#&#!" Well good god, my site's been doing that too! How embarrasing!

My site's been giving people errors when they get to where they have to pick their shipping. How frustrating. To make it up to everybody, I'm offering free shipping for all of February.

If you were having problems with my site, shoot me an email and let me know. I'll make it worth your effort somehow. But please, be honest, I've already been taken for a ride over some Christmas orders. So much for the Christmas spirit! Downright Grinchy if you ask me.

Oh, and I fixed the shipping error - let me know if you see any other funkiness. Somebody emailed me a couple of weeks ago asking if the price for one of my necklaces was really $3,700. I wrote her back that the piece she was looking at had a chain handmade by pixies from pure unicorn hair, thus the exhorbitant price. Yeah, it was supposed to be $37. Oh well!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I love my Subaru!

So, we got a solid dusting of snow a couple of days ago...enough for Devera to stay home from school for the last 3 days. The really bad day I had to drive in the snow...there were people in the ditches all over the city...but not my trusty little grasshopper!

I used to joke when we first moved to portland that you were assigned a dog and a subaru when you move here. And I resisted for soooooo long - I'm not really a conformist, you see. But there's a reason that every 3rd car around here is a subaru - because we're the only guys not in ditches when things get slippery!

Be safe out there!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Here's a good cure for the winter blues

It's cold and dark around here these days. Uggh this is just the worst part of the year here in Portland. But I found a great way to kick the S.A.D. ... I bought some clay a couple of months ago and a book on making sugar flowers (like the kind on fancy wedding cakes). And ta daaaaa - the first fruits of my labor. Can't you see these on a bridal tiara?

Let's see what else I can come up with - there are a whole bunch of different flowers in here. Maybe I'll have to start baking some cakes now.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Hey - free beads

You'd think I'd read my husband's blog a little more and know what's going on! He was as touched by an Inconvenient Truth as I was - check out his blog and maybe get some beads.

The 2 month trudge

Ok, Portland is the greatest place on the face of the planet...that is, if you can make it through this 2 month trudge. I swear, it takes like 12 cups of coffee to survive January and February. It's sooooooooooo dark and cold and rainy, and did I say dark? All I want to do is hibernate like a bear. But if I can make it through these 2 months, the rest of the time it's about as wonderful as you can get. I've already had my latte this morning (it's pretty funny - there are just about more dogs in the coffee shop these days than there are people - last weekend there was even a cat - go figure). But, yeah, already caffeinated, and I'm ready for bed. If I can just make it 2 more months...let's see...60 more many more minutes? I think I can stay awake that long.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Looking for a good way to eat healthy this year? I found this great site: Local Harvest. It lists the farmer's markets and locally grown foods in your area. Pretty cool, huh?

So, we spent New Years Eve watching An Inconvenient Truth, now there's a happy way to kick off your new year. It was a really good movie, though. Good old Al, has a good way of simplifying the ideas that have always seem pretty convoluted and Carl Sagan-ish to me (although he did quote Carl-the Cosmos guy-a lot in the movie, which brought back some bad middle school science heebie jeebies!).

Any way...good movie...interesting stuff, and you can go their web site for some good ideas on how you can help. Seems like the best things you can do are to watch the movie and vote...seems simple.

Ok, off my soapbox. Happy New Years, everybody. Hope the hangover's not too bad.