Friday, October 13, 2006

oooh, it's so close I can almost taste it!

I've been working behind the scenes for the past couple of weeks putting together my new site...which looks remarkably (exactly) like my old site, but on steroids. And I'm soooooo close to having it finished. I hate going though and making sure my i's are dotted and my t's are crossed - but the devil is in the details. So if you don't see anything witty being posted here, it's because I'm saving my wit for the bigger site (and there's not that much wit to work with in the first place!) When I do taste it - I hope it tastes like chocolate (and not the child labor kind).


Anonymous said...

Very cool news!

I am a newbie jewelry designer up north in the Seattle area - and I was looking at dozens and dozens of jewelry designers' web sites for comparisons' sake. Yours is hands down my favorite - clean, simple, intuitive, and the jewelry is very much the star of the show.

Plus, I like your work. :)

What's a bench sweep? said...

Hi Jeri,

Thanks for the note! If you're in the market for a shopping cart and know a little about programming, let me know. This one's shaping up to be really nice.
