Friday, October 27, 2006

Good god I've got a lot of rocks!

I'm not just a rock dork - I'm a hording rock dork! While I was updating my site, I decided to redo the custom orders page. So I pulled out all of my rocks to take some photos of, and good god - where did all of those come from? I couldn't even label them from A-Z - I've got too many! Take a look at the cool ones I've got listed here >> There are some great landscapes hiding in a bunch of them. I think my favorites are number 11 & 12. Which one's your favorite?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Aaaah much better

I'm a consumate button pusher. I'm on the verge of getting myself in trouble - since I didn't build this new shopping cart myself, I know just enough to break it really good. I'll have to smack my hand each time I reach and think..."I wonder what would happen if..." I still like this purple.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fix one thing break 12 others.

Looks a little different here, huh? This new color change was the result of a "Well, what do you think that button does?" Pardon the blue for a couple of days - I'll turn it back to purple shortly. Dave just asked what the big sigh was. The good news is that there's now a new shopping cart on my site with all kinds of cool new bells and whistles. Super exciting, and it's going to save me a ton of time. Bad news is that I broke a bunch of other things while I fixed the cart. I guess that's where all the saved time's going to go. Oh well - hey if you see any funkiness on my site, will you let me know?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Yippee, It's Open Studios Time!

And even bigger yippee - I'm only visiting instead of participating. So, Portland's Open Studio Tour went on this weekend - and it's going on next weekend too - if you have some free time. It's nice not to be a nervous wreck for a weekend, like I've done in years past. It's fun to go see the artists in their natural habitat (picture buffalo grazing on an open plain). We were able to make it to 2 of my favorite aritsts this weekend...

And Pam Greene: Her studio is BEYOND cool! Devera was a true patron of the arts...she was very good at pointing at the pictures instead of mauling them (although I think we gave a weaver a heart attack in her studio). Good old kermit the frog came along on the tour too, and he enjoyed pointing at all the works of art as well. I wonder if Devera will be into arts when she gets older (I wonder if Kermit will too). Anyway, if you're in town and you're looking for something to do next weekend - grab a tour guide from New Seasons markets and go take a tour. It's a lot of fun.

Friday, October 13, 2006

oooh, it's so close I can almost taste it!

I've been working behind the scenes for the past couple of weeks putting together my new site...which looks remarkably (exactly) like my old site, but on steroids. And I'm soooooo close to having it finished. I hate going though and making sure my i's are dotted and my t's are crossed - but the devil is in the details. So if you don't see anything witty being posted here, it's because I'm saving my wit for the bigger site (and there's not that much wit to work with in the first place!) When I do taste it - I hope it tastes like chocolate (and not the child labor kind).

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Well, this kind of killed the little chocolate binge I was on.

How sad is this? I just go this in one of my little tree hugger emails: The scariest thing about Halloween this year won't be the costumes... it's the chocolate. Almost half of the world's cocoa is being produced on West African plantations where, according to the UN's International Labor Organization, 284,000 child laborers "are either involved in hazardous work, unprotected, or have been trafficked." Say no to the chocolate industry's ghoulish links to child slavery by buying Fair Trade and organic chocolate. Say it ain't so!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Which one do you think's my kid?

Certainly not the clean one. It's pretty funny scrolling through the photos of her birthday party. She starts of with a tidy little blue goatee and pencil thin mustache, and as the photos keep going she ends up with a good santa beard. Just like her mom. Give me a good cupcake and I'll show you how to make a mess.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Rock dorks united.

Yep, it was a large collection of rock dorks all together at the expo center this weekend. It was pretty funny, the expo center the event was held at was also having girlfest and the roller derby going on at the same time. So door A had a bunch of girl scouts streaming through it, door B had a bunch of hipsters dressed in black, door C, though, had a couple people sitting on their walkers out front, so we knew we were in the right spot. Yep, lots of walkers and rascals at that event. And yeah, I spent waaaaay too much money. But I got a lot of good stuff I can't wait to share.