Saturday, September 23, 2006

Where a kid can be a kid...

It's scary that I even remember that jingle. So, we're leaving the parking lot of Home Depot with a trunkload of pansies to plant in the yard along with the shipment of 18 gazillion tulips that I vaguely remember ordering in the spring...anyway, we're pulling out of the parking lot and completely covered by trees except for maybe his little glossy nose...Devera starts crowing "Chuck E Cheese, Chuck E Cheese!!!!" It sent shivers up my spine. Now, Devera's only been there once (with her Daddy, I "unfortunately" had to miss the outing) and it was like a year ago. But good god, this kid sure knows who good old Chuck is. SHE'S 2!!! I guess Chuck made an appearance at her preschool carnival a couple of months ago, and now he's completely imprinted on her brain. I'm glad they didn't invite the Marlboro Man or she'd have a 2 pack a day habit by now! It's crazy what things stick in their head. She still talks about going to the fair, and that was a month ago.

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