Monday, September 14, 2009

Getting Ready for Open Studios

Yikes! Open studios is just around the corner. So much to do, so much to do.

The Portland Open Studio Tour is a really cool event they have once a year here. Over the course of two weekend in October, 100 artists open their studios to the public so you can watch them work. Dave and I have been asked to join them this year.

So, if there's any way for you to make your way to Portland the weekend of the 17th & 18th of October, I highly recommend it. You can watch Dave make beads (which is mesmerizing!) and see my workbench in it's semi-annual, semi-clean state, which won't surface in this state for another 12-24 months.

Here's the event's site, where you can see the other artists involved, purchase your tour guide, and generally plan your attack. I think you can also buy tour guides at New Seasons Markets too. Hope we see you there!