Monday, November 24, 2008

Holiday Shopping Dates and Goodies...Hey free shipping for all orders!

Here's everything you wanted to know about holiday shopping but were afraid to ask:

Here's the biggie:
Free First Class Shipping
for all holiday orders.

Here's the one to make you feel good:
10% of all sales from now 'till Dec 31st will go to Habitat for Humanity

Here's for all you procrastinators:
Shipping Deadlines:
Free First Class: Order by December 15th
Priority Mail: Order by December 17th
Overnight Mail: Order by December 20th

If you have any questions...give me a holler.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Enough to make a rock dork drool!

Have you seen the latest National Geographic Magazine? Well, they've found Superman's Lair. Those are giant gypsum crystals that they found in the Crystal Cave in Mexico. The photos are just phenomenal. They're as big as telephone poles...I was watching the documentary on it last night...super cool. Well, maybe not cool. It was like 115 degrees in there. Amazing, huh?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Toby Joins the 21st Century

Hi Guys, I just put up a page for tobyDESIGN on facebook.

Better late than never, right?

Become a fan, or even better, add me as a favorite, and I'll send you a discount code for your holiday shopping.

Happy Surfing!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Did you notice I snuck some new stuff in here?

I snuck in a whole bunch of new pieces...while you weren't looking. Lots and lots of necklaces...lampwork and otherwise. And an unbelievably cool lampwork bracelet. Check them out!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Blah Blah Blah...I'm sure you voted today

Halleleujah! The nasty commercials are over. So, I was reading a post by my favorite marketer, Seth Godin, and the end of his post was just great:

We get what we deserve. The lesson that society should take away about all marketing is a simple one. When you buy a product, you're also buying the marketing. Buy something from a phone telemarketer, you get more phone telemarketers, guaranteed. Buy a gas guzzler and they'll build more. Marketers are simple people... they make what sells. Our culture has purchased (and voted) itself into the place we are today.
That's why I abstained from the nastiest commercial fight here in Oregon. Read the whole article here