Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'll call him Lazarus

Because he's back from the dead. Butterfly, that is...Devera's pet fish. I was sure he was a gonner. He hadn't moved in a week...Dave and I have been performing the fishy version of CPR, all quietly and behind the scenes so that Devera would never catch wind of the ER happening in her bedroom (I need 30ccs of activated charcoal, STAT!). There he sat at the bottom of the tank for over a week. Dave and I had even negotiated who was going to have the talk, and where we were going to bury him (in the backyard pet cemetery, where Herbert the hedgehog also lies peacefully). But we weren't going to do it until the last gill stopped moving. So, I'd finally made peace with it yesterday. I just happen to peek in the tank, and lo and behold, he has risen! He's swimming around the top of the tank! Not with all the swishy vigor he had before, but he's getting there...he's upright, and he's moving. It's a miracle!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Wow, how cool is this one!

Oooh, aaah...ok, this is one of the nicest ones I've made in forever. It's an Atherton Picture Jasper, a fun custom order where she sent me the stone to set. Turned out nice, huh?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

I love happy customers!

Here's a note I got from one of my happy brides in Australia...

I just picked up the package from the post office, the tiara is even more amazing than I imagined and the hairpins are so delicate and beautiful, the dragonflies are so much better than the pictures. It is all so perfect, thank you so much. Now I will look and feel like a princess on my big day, what more could a woman want?
I LOVE getting notes like that...they so make my day. We need more princesses in the world, don't we?