Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Gotta get me some!

Ok, I've found something new to drool over. And, yeah, you can laugh at my extreme rock dork side coming out. But check out this new material (well, old material). It's the scrapings from the inside of a car paint booth from an auto factory in Detroit. How cool is that? It's beautiful, if you ask me. And an awesome way to put this stuff to good use. Now I've got to figure out how to get my hands on some!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Oh, what a nice vacation

How'd you like to wake up to this every morning? It's wonderful, let me tell you! We just got back from our week long vacation to Orcas Island and Vancouver. They're a pretty short (4-6 hour) drive from Portland, so it makes for an easy trip with the Munchkin.

I really like Orcas Island - I've been to San Juan Island before, and it was a bit touristy for my taste. Orcas is smaller and more off the beaten path. And, holy cow - they know how to cook there! Great place to unwind.

We also ditched the kid at grandma's house for a couple of days and went up to Vancouver by ourselves. First time we'd spent that long away from her (we'd gone overnight once before, but had such terrible food poisoning that we could barely drag ourselves out of bed!). It was lovely. My mom looked so tired when we picked Devera up. She's definitely a handful! Anyway, back to the grind. At least the little stress muscles in my are all unwound now.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Mmmm...I've been thinking about this line I heard on NPR all day... A dessert so delicious it confirms the existence of God. You can listen too, and giggle with me >>

Monday, August 14, 2006

My favorite site...

Fitting...they used to call me "one of those earth babies" in college. So I guess it makes sense that the site I've ended up surfing a lot these days is called Anyway, the real story I want to share is a cool one about organic farming in Cuba. So I guess after the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba was cut of from exporting it's main cash crop, sugar cane. That really spread poverty and was causing a lot of famine. So, Castro decided that he wanted his peeps to be self sufficient and created a bunch of small scale organic farms. The results were really impressive. Read the rest of the story here >>

Saturday, August 12, 2006

A perfect afternoon...

Want to know the ingredients for a perfect Portland afternoon? Meander your way to the Pearl District. Hop on the streetcar, also known as the choo choo train, to the munchkin in my entourage. The drivers are so nice - they all waved to her and rang their little bell - she couldn't have been happier. Well, until we made our way to the gelato stand on Northwest 23rd. A little sugar boost to get us through the afternoon, and back down to the Pearl to Devera's absolute mostest mostest favorite place in the world, the fountain at Jamison Square. (Just imagine it with about 50 times more kids) There's no way to go there without getting completely soaked, which is fine for Devera - she has no problem changing clothes in front of hundreds of strangers. Me, I just drive home wet. Hope you had a great afternoon too.