Monday, July 10, 2006

Who's your favorite?

Artist, that is... I'll tell you mine - it's a no-brainer.

James Michalopoulos

He's an artist that Dave and I got into while we lived in New Orleans. He channels Van Gogh and does really cool paintings of New Orleans houses. I think I got hooked on him when I saw a painting in his gallery of the little yellow house that I was daydreaming over buying in Uptown. Oh, how I wanted that house soooo bad. It was the sweetest little shotgun shack. And just a happy yellow. It's funny when you look back at things...I'm glad we didn't buy that happy little yellow house. I have my own little happy yellow house here in Portland now. Although it's well on its way to being a happy purple house as we speak. So, who's your favorite artist? I'd love to hear. Expose me to some culture!