Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A burger joint with roots

So, a couple of years ago, Dave and I decided that we would only eat free range meat (Read Fast Food Nation and it will sway you too!). That really kills you when you're looking for a fast greasy burger - and some times I really jones for a Western Bacon Cheeseburger all drippy and gooey and yucky. But there's this one fast food joint (or chain rather) here in Oregon called Burgerville that decided, during the whole mad cow escapade to only serve local free range beef. Whoopee! They're pretty cool - they're a total fast food joint but they still only serve seasonal stuff that's locally sourced. So I drove past one of them this morning, and I notice their sign said "Get gardening tools and seeds with every kid's meal purchase". What an awesome idea! Instead of junky little spongebob plastic things that are either going to get choked on or forgotten in 10 minutes, they're teaching munchkins how to plant seeds. I love it. Something tells me Devera would be a big fan of their strawberry shakes! We'll have to find out.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Ok, flower photos as promised

And a cute little petunia in the front.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

How sad...

Ok, so this is how sad my life has become. Dave and I went out to the movies for the first time in - yikes - 2 years. (DaVinci Code - we liked it a lot, but I think you would have had to read the book before you watched it). So we're walking to the movie theater and Dave looks over at me with this concerned look on his face - he says - "Are you ok? Your eye looks purple"... Um, yeah - that's called eyeshadow. Obviously poorly applied if it scared my husband. I learned it's a lot harder to do with a squirmy 20 month old kid in your arms who wants to do everything you are doing. Maybe I should warn him first next time. I had to laugh - and Dave was so embarrassed. He'd dug himself a good hole. Oh, and I'd take some garden photos for you if it would stop raining for 2 seconds!

Monday, May 22, 2006

The happiest comment

Hi guys - took a little extended hiatus there. So we got the sweetest comment from someone this evening. Devera, Dave and I were working in our garden this afternoon. One of our neighbors was walking her dog and stopped to introduce herself. She told us that we just had the happiest looking house. Isn't that a cool concept? I have a happy house! I really do. You know our garden is just going bezerk these days. I think I'll take a bunch of photos and share them with you all week. Sounds fun, huh?

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Private? Exclusive? Special?

I don't know about you, but I'm a sale junkie. Especially if it's a good one. Well guys, hold onto your hats. I put a countdown on my home page...this is my first ever private sale. It's such a fun concept...I'm actually going to be closing the shop to the general public and only letting newsletter subscribers and previous customers in. All my new designs I've been putting together over the last couple of months will be previewed there as well as a whole bunch of pieces that will be 50% off. I'll give you a sneek preview on my blog of what's going to be on sale as it gets closer. So, mark your calendar and spread the word...June 23rd is the big day. To get your invitation, join my newsletter here >> Sounds like fun, huh?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I've got some updating to do

Here are some remnants of last weekends show. I've got a whole bunch of cool new pieces to add to the site over the next couple of weeks. Oh, and if you didn't notice on my home page - I've got a newsletter signup form I just added. Sign up for it (I promise I won't spam you every week). I'm planning on having a sale just for my newsletter subscribers and previous customers - I'm going to close shop for everyone but you guys and give you some HUGE specials. Sounds fun. So sign up and feel very exclusive.